Golden Valley/Walnut Creek
Let's Talk Recap by Communities Visited
August 25, 2022
Golden Valley/Walnut Creek liked the following things the MOST about their community!
- The neighbors are friendly and care about each other
- The proximity to all major cities
- Local businesses are well supported by the residents
- Open space, big skies, fantastic sunsets, wild life
- Minimal vehicle traffic
- Freedom to have a range on a property
- Low cost of living, low property taxes
- Great place to raise a family
- Schools in the area are decent
Golden Valley/Walnut Creek established the following goals to work on as a Community with the support of the County
- Water conservation/grow your own food/rainwater harvesting education and start up (committee is small, this will be worked on 1st)
- Community Center - exploring feasibility of this with existing unused Chamber of Commerce building
- Transportation Options (similar to KART model but on smaller scale)
- Education for community members to use computers/teledoc app
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